
Israel is ‘weaponising culture’, erasing Palestinian history with Eurovision

Ummmm, al aqsa mosque sits atop the remains of the ancient Jewish temple...I don't see the author urging his people not to patronize the mosque because it's an affront to the Jews.

Not to mention, the name "Hebron" dates back to ancient times and it's in Hebrew, which, in case the temple remains aren't proof enough, should answer everyone's questions about who is truly native to this land.

As for those villages that were destroyed, they sat atop someone else's villages who lived there previously, who were destroyed. Such is life when you're one of a long line of foreigners on this land, my friend.

As for "palestinian" history, it's impossible to distort it because arab "palestinians" have no history. They were invented by arabs and the Soviets in 1967. Don't believe me? Try to find a document printed before 1967 that mentions them....