
Haley: We Need to Tell Saudis 'We Can't Continue to Partner' with Country That Brutalizes People | Breitbart

Your parable is well taken but a bit simplistic to infer all this happened because of "good" liberals overcoming "bad" conservatives. Liberals also praised the Soviet Union and fought to keep slavery intact. BTW wasn't Adolph Hitler Time Magazine's "Man of The Year"?

First of all Nixon started the EPA.

He was Republican.

Health insurance started as PRIVATE ENTERPRISE with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Health insurance became part of a worker's pay because of anti-inflation wage controls. Not unions.

"Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry." The congress of 1907 when the Law was passed was Republican.

Public Transportation in the USA started as PRIVATE Enterprise sir, not government.

"Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage" Banking sir is again a PRIVATE enterprise and isn't Fannie Mae responsible for a world-wide economic crash? After LIBERALS decided that having a mortgage was a "right" not a privilege?

"He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house" errr wasn't the Death Tax up to some 33%? How did Joe's family manage to retain the house?

The Act creating the FDIC was drafted in large part by officials appointed by the Hoover administration.

You see ... propaganda does have it's uses ... it's convinced you.