
UBS Group Reaffirms Buy Rating for Serco Group (LON:SRP)

$9.25 Million in Sales Expected for Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:RIGL) This Quarter UBS Group Reaffirms Buy Rating for Serco Group (LON:SRP) UBS Group Reaffirms Buy Rating for Serco Group (LON:SRP) - Filed Under - by Tyrone Williams Tweet

UBS Group reiterated their buy rating on shares of Serco Group (LON:SRP) in a research report released on Friday, ThisIsMoney.Co.Uk reports.

Other research analysts also recently issued reports about the stock. Peel Hunt reiterated an add rating and set a GBX 146 ($1.91) price objective (up from GBX 129 ($1.69)) on shares of Serco Group in a research note on Wednesday, June 12th. Shore Capital reiterated a buy rating on shares of Serco Group in a research note on Thursday, May 23rd. Liberum Capital upgraded shares of Serco Group to a buy rating and increased their price objective for the company from GBX 130 ($1.70) to GBX 150 ($1.96) in a research note on Friday, May 24th. Finally, Jefferies Financial Group increased their price objective on shares of Serco Group from GBX 123 ($1.61) to GBX 160 ($2.09) and gave the company a buy rating in a research note on Tuesday, April 9th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have assigned a hold rating and seven have assigned a buy rating to the company. The stock has a consensus rating of Buy and a consensus target price of GBX 139.70 ($1.83). Get Serco Group alerts:

LON SRP opened at GBX 144 ($1.88) on Friday. Serco Group has a 12 month low of GBX 83.60 ($1.09) and a 12 month high of GBX 146.50 ($1.91). The company has a quick ratio of 0.83, a current ratio of 0.96 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 65.75. The company has a market cap of $1.76 billion and a P/E ratio of 24.00. The company’s fifty day moving average is GBX 131.46. In other news, insider David Eveleigh sold 18,629 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Friday, May 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of GBX 125 ($1.63), for a total value of £23,286.25 ($30,427.61).

About Serco Group

Serco Group plc provides public services in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. The company offers base and operational support engineering, and management and information, as well as nuclear, space, and maritime services for the defense sector; and custodial, immigration detention, and detainee transport and monitoring services for the justice and immigration sectors.

Further Reading: Green Investing Serco Group Serco Group