
Lenovo Group (LNVGY) Rating Increased to Buy at Goldman Sachs Group

Goldman Sachs Group upgraded shares of Lenovo Group (OTCMKTS:LNVGY) from a neutral rating to a buy rating in a report published on Thursday morning, The Fly reports.

Separately, raised shares of Lenovo Group from a hold rating to a strong-buy rating and set a $19.00 price target for the company in a research note on Saturday, February 23rd.

Get Lenovo Group alerts: LNVGY opened at $14.99 on Thursday. Lenovo Group has a 1-year low of $10.03 and a 1-year high of $19.04. The company has a quick ratio of 0.64, a current ratio of 0.81 0.47. The firm has a market capitalization of $8.33 40.51 and a beta of 1.49.

About Lenovo Group

Lenovo Group Limited, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, and markets technology products and services. It offers commercial and consumer personal computers, as well as servers and workstations; mobile Internet devices, including tablets and smart phones; storage and networking products; memory and processors; rack and power infrastructure; and laptops, desktops, and accessories, as well as operating systems, security, and systems management software.

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Lenovo Group Lenovo Group