
Best Amazon deals of the weekend: Sony headphones, Ancestry DNA kits, and more

— Our editors review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one of our links, we may earn a small share of the revenue. However, our picks and opinions are independent from USA Today’s newsroom and any business incentives. Weekends are the best time to shop. You can really spend time researching your purchases and making sure you'll get exactly what you want. Plus, there are tons of deals and sales to browse, especially with Black Friday just a few short weeks away. But as more deals arise, you have to be careful when looks for discounts. Some retailers may jack up the original prices only to "discount" items back to their usual cost and some products may not be worth buying at any price, no matter how cheap. So we look deeper at all the top Amazon deals to determine the absolute best you can get right now.

More: The best sales happening on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2019

More: Nordstrom Rack is having an early Black Friday sale right now

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1. Under $300: The best noise-cancelling headphones of 2019