
Netanyahu uses DNA claim to deny Palestinian right to homeland

Of course you are an ignorant fanatic with no knowledge of actual history. Not sure? How 'bout a Polish mass murderer? 'David Ben-Gurion [actual Polish name: Grunn] and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi claimed that the population at the time of the Arab conquest was mainly Christian, of Jewish origins, which underwent conversion to avoid a tax burden, basing their argument on 'the fact that at the time of the Arab conquest, the population of Palestine was mainly Christian, and that during the Crusaders’ conquest some four hundred years later, it was mainly Muslim. As neither the Byzantines nor the Muslims carried out any large-scale population resettlement projects, the Christians were the offspring of the Jewish and Samaritan farmers who converted to Christianity in the Byzantine period; while the Muslim fellaheen in Palestine in modern times are descendants of those Christians who were the descendants of Jews, and had turned to Islam before the Crusaders’ conquest.’' Moshe Gil, A History of Palestine,634-1099 Cambridge University Press, (1983) 1997 pp.222-3.