
Vianet Group PLC (VNET) Insider Chris Williams Purchases 2,000 Shares


Vianet Group PLC (LON:VNET) insider Chris Williams purchased 2,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Wednesday, December 19th. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 104 ($1.36) per share, for a total transaction of £2,080 ($2,717.89).

Chris Williams also recently made the following trade(s): Get Vianet Group alerts: On Thursday, December 6th, Chris Williams purchased 1,000 shares of Vianet Group stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 104 ($1.36) per share, for a total transaction of £1,040 ($1,358.94).

Shares of Vianet Group stock opened at GBX 103 ($1.35) on Friday. Vianet Group PLC has a 52-week low of GBX 90 ($1.18) and a 52-week high of GBX 145 ($1.89). The firm also recently declared a dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, January 30th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, December 13th will be issued a GBX 1.70 ($0.02) dividend. This represents a yield of 1.62%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, December 13th.

Vianet Group Company Profile

Vianet Group plc engages in the design, development, sale, and rental of fluid monitoring and machine monitoring equipment for the leisure and vending sectors in the United Kingdom, rest of Europe, the United States, Canada, and internationally. It operates through Smart Zones and Smart Machines segments. Vianet Group Vianet Group