
CBA uncovers abusive messages in digital transaction descriptions - Finance - Security - Software

This stuff is real. It happened to me. But via PayPal transactions.

It was an an abusive ex who wouldn't leave me alone. I blocked them in every way known to man - email, fb, phone, text, whatsapp - but no, they figured out a way to continue contact. It was by sending me small PayPal payments every now and then, just to remind they existed. It was their last resort.

I fortunately had my own way to stop them from doing it. I had leverage on them that they cared about and they stopped doing it once I said I'd use that leverage if I had to. But I guess you can block people on the payments service too. Just ring them up, and it can't be done somehow, move to another bank or payment platform or do something else.

Abuse is real.