
Trump: 'Sleepy Joe Biden' hasn't 'apologized' for involvement in 1994 crime law

Democrats run on fear and lies. They need scared voters who think the opposition is pack of racist hyenas. It’s a lie, and a galling one at that coming from the party of SlaveryJimCrow&TheKlan. Democrat Platform * Socialism - the most prolific digger of mass graves of the 20th century * Open borders * Fight to abridge the free speech of those with whom they disagree. * sanctuary cities * lowering voting age to 16 * Giving Prisoners including mass murderers right to vote * packing the Supreme Court * Repealing the 2nd Amendment * abolishing the electoral college * more racial quotas in work and school handicapping the more meritorious because they happen to have the wrong skin color * welfare, more welfare, more entitlements incentivizing laziness and a farm animal mentality. * infáñtîçidè, GOD help us * reparations (race taxes) * climate change (we’re all going to be dead in 10 years) apocalypse hysteria * wealth redistribution (thievery) * persecution of/ legislating against white skin, hard working Asians in the workplace and academia (racial quotas) vilification of white heterosexuals, Christians & Jews in the news. * anti-Israel sentiment growing quickly. * Sanitizing History (removing statues of Democrats) and effectively erasing all record of the horrors and infamous misdeeds for which they themselves were responsible. etc. ad nauseum What in the WORLD are you proud about with this party of yours? I don’t get it.