
The OECD shows in its latest report how interwoven the global economy is - MarketWatch

Let's tell it like it is. The global Central Bank injections of unprecedented liquidity recently at the end of the day have just instilled unprecedented debt upon all mankind. We now have assets all over not connected with reality but rather this liquidity has found homes everywhere, in everything with no solid supporting fundamentals. This was never sustainable only by more perpetual debt expansion. So here's the rub. Eventually people realize the seriousness of the debt holes they're in, and the bleakness of the future. So they rebel. Against wealth transfer, against inflation, against being scammed. All the rebellions - black lives matter, French yellow vests, Brexit, White nationalists, Greece, Spain, on and on have at their foundation a loss of prosperity and living standard. People take up causes but underlying is poverty. This is all caused by Central Banks and their greed by devaluing money through debt expansions. This brings inflations and wealth transfer. Heck we now work two three jobs with nothing to show for it. When the people had enough they rebel. The strange thing is, they don't even know exactly what they're rebelling against. They attack their presidents, their country other countries, yet they don't get it right. Money is being made more worthless by the day from Central Banks. Or your working is being made more worth little. So what happens now. The rebellions will increase as more people enter poverty. This debt expansion is historic. Never done befor