
Internet Gold Golden Lines (IGLD) 6.1%

Internet Gold Golden Lines Ltd (NASDAQ:IGLD) shares were up 6.1% $0.94 and last traded at $0.87. Approximately 1,540,477 304% from the average daily volume of 381,350 $0.82.

The company has a quick ratio of 1.17, a current ratio of 1.19 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 6.40.

Get Internet Gold Golden Lines alerts: A hedge fund recently bought a new stake in Internet Gold Golden Lines stock. Worth Venture Partners LLC purchased a new position in Internet Gold Golden Lines Ltd (NASDAQ:IGLD) in the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm purchased 46,854 shares of the technology company’s stock, valued at approximately $119,000. Worth Venture Partners LLC owned about 0.24% of Internet Gold Golden Lines at the end of the most recent quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 3.43% of the company’s stock.

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About Internet Gold Golden Lines ( NASDAQ:IGLD )

Internet Gold – Golden Lines Ltd. provides various telecommunications services in Israel. The company offers domestic fixed-line, cellular, and international communication services; Internet services; and multi-channel television, television and radio broadcasting, satellite broadcasting, and customer call center services.

Further Reading: No Load Funds

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