
Hamas officials attend Islamic conference in Tehran

David Grun (Ben Gurion) at the Peel Commission - 1937

"The first is this-Palestine is the only country in the world that the Jews, not as individuals but as a nation, as a race, can regard as their own country, as their historic homeland, and the second reason is there is no other nation I do not say population, I do not say sections of a people, there is no other race or nation as a whole which regards this country as their only homeland."

The Grun said:

-- The Jews are a race, meaning he the Ashkenazi, the Yemeni, Ethiopian, Chinese Jews were of one race. How stupid is that? Very stupid!

-- The Polish migrant said there were no other people to whom Palestine was the only homeland except for the Polish Jew whose feet or that of his ancestors never touched that soil until he came inspired in 1906 to follow Herzl's Zionist agenda. What other homeland did the unwanted migrant from Poland think the Palestinians have? The sheer arrogance and belligerence in that man's speeches was totally revolting.